Blue Plains WWTP Miscellaneous Facilities Upgrade Phase 3
The Blue Plains MFU Phase 3 Upgrade was a unique and challenging project. This $20.9M project combined three pre-engineered lump sum mini-projects with 105 separate task orders encompassing virtually every facet of construction over a 4-year period. The work was performed for the aptly named High Priority Group at DC Water. The assigned tasks involved critical repairs and difficult work assignments. Many of the tasks required extensive problem solving and design/build construction, as there were no engineered plans. This gave ACE the opportunity to come in and perform important services for our client, DC Water.
Our team was successful primarily due to the trust we developed with the client and our versatility and capability in performing a wide range of difficult tasks. We were able to perform at this level due to the strong project team we assigned to the project, a principle of Building To Last.
Over the years, DC Water has issued several task order style contracts managed by the High Priority Group. Due to the massive size of Blue Plains, there is always a need for miscellaneous construction work at this facility. The traditional contractor model for these jobs has been to assign a bare-bones staff and perform the time and material work at a relatively slow pace. ACE recognized early on that there was a need for a higher level of customer service due to the ongoing needs of the clients. We assigned a strong versatile team with a full-time Project Manager, two full-time Superintendents, and two full-time Project Engineers. This team had sufficient depth to capably handle the lump sum task order work, along with additional task orders at a much faster pace.
ACE management was informed and cooperative in achieving a high level of productivity working with DC Water accomplishing common goals in completion of projects. In short, ACE exceeded expectations in accomplishing work to the satisfaction of the High Priority office and, ultimately, the owner. ACE will be recommended for future contracts and projects without hesitation or reservation due to their performance on the above referenced contract.
— Paul Sbardella
Construction Manager
High Priority Group