Bid Schedule Warrenton WWTP Clarifiers

Bid Date

October 26th @ 1:00 PM

Project Location

731 Frost Ave, Warrenton, VA 20186


Town of Warrenton



Estimated Value



The major work elements expected for the Primary Clarifier and Sludge Thickener Upgrades project include, but are not limited to:

  • New Influent Pump Station:
    • Cast-in-place concrete construction in wet well/dry well arrangement housing four new dry pit submersible influent pumps
  • New Primary Clarifier Complex which includes:
    • Two (2) new primary clarifiers
    • Integral primary clarifier sludge pump station housing sludge and scum pumps
    • Precast post-tensioned concrete construction with a masonry electrical building on top of the sludge pump station
    • Upstream influent splitter box
  • Sludge Screen System which includes:
    • A new primary sludge screen housed in a new masonry building
  • Gravity Sludge Thickener:
    • Retrofit of an existing primary clarifier to a new Gravity Sludge Thickener to thicken screened primary sludge. Modifications include raising the wall height, providing a new sloped floor and launder covers with an odor control system.
  • Thickened Sludge Pump Station:
    • A new dry pit thickened sludge pump station constructed in the footprint of an existing primary clarifier.
    • The station is of cast-in-place concrete construction and houses two (2) sludge pumps and a scum pump.
  • Chemical Storage Improvements:
    • A new outdoor double containment tank for storing Delpac and a new indoor double containment tank for storing Delpac.
  • Demolition:
    • Demolition of existing primary clarifier equipment, primary clarifier sludge pumps, primary clarifier distribution box, piping, and chemical tanks is included.
  •  Site Improvements:
    • Temporary access road
    • Existing roadway improvements
    • Regrading
    • Storm water management improvements
    • Yard piping improvements 

*PLEASE NOTE: The project also includes construction of related electrical, control and instrumentation systems, and all piping, valves, grading, paving, erosion and sediment control and associated work necessary to render the facilities complete and operational. All work shall be as described or implied in the Specifications and indicated on the Contract Drawings.

Documents Available Here